Let us know how we can help you

Let us know how we can help you and other GEHPP members by completing our short member survey.

We’d like you to take part to let us know what you’d find helpful to know more about, how you prefer to be communicated with, and if there’s anything we should change. You can complete the survey by following this link:


The survey should take no more than five minutes to complete, and your responses are anonymous. Your feedback will be invaluable in helping us to create communications that work for you.

We’ll share any findings from the survey with you in due course, as well as our plans to shape our strategy and communications based on your feedback.

The survey will close on Friday 3 May.

If you’d like a hand with the survey, or you’d prefer to complete a paper copy, please contact the Plan advisers, Aon at GEHPTL.secretarial@aon.com